To renew a firearms permit, the permit holder must have completed four range qualifications as follows: two (2) range qualifications during each 12-month period of the current permit’s two-year term with no two (2) range qualifications completed closer than four (4) months apart. Prior to each of the four (4) Range Qualifications, applicants must have completed the training course on Use of Force and De-escalation of the Use of Force. A condition for renewal is the applicant passing the written Firearms Examination in the BSIS Firearms Training Manual with a score of 86% or greater. The law does not specify during which qualification the applicant must complete the written exam. The Bureau recommends the applicant take it in the second 12-month period of the current permit term.
As a courtesy, the table below provides suggested range qualification schedules for renewal of a firearms permit. Adherence is not a mandatory provision for renewal, but a suggestion by the Bureau of typical schedules that satisfy the requirements for renewal and allow for timely renewal of the permit. To use the table, first check the expiration date on your firearms permit, find your permit’s expiration month on the table, and follow the schedule detailed in the row. Each schedule provides sufficient time to submit your firearms permit renewal application at least 60 days before expiration, as required by law.
Hammer Head Security is a Private Security Services company based out of Stockton, CA. With a strong commitment to safety, professionalism and preparation